Module Information

EP1000 Digital Fabrication & Prototyping Fundamentals

Fablab Safety and Tools


3 Principals of WHS Framework

S . A . F . E

  • S - Support & engage students on safety & health issues in campus.
  • A - Act on four main focus area which includes Risk Management, Incident-Accident Report, Training & Education, Emergency Preparedness and Response Plan.
  • F - Facilitate emergency drill, in-house training/workshops and outreach programme.
  • E - Educate all our students and staff about safety and health awareness through a series of talk using WSH communication kit as well as online quizzes and safety modules.
  • Students must be properly attired according to the guidelines below:

  • Collared shirt or T-shirt and full-length trousers.
  • Do not wear loose-sleeved clothing and jewellery.
  • Do not use compressed air to clean your clothing.
  • Covered shoes must be worn at ALL time – NO open tops or open toes.
  • Students with long hair must tie up their hair to avoid entanglement with rotating machinery.
  • Certain laboratories and workshops required the use of additional safety equipment and Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) such as goggles, safety glasses, masks, gloves, ear plugs/earmuffs as instructed to protect against any workplace and machine hazards.
  • Workplace Safety and Health Structures

    There are structures in place to support safety and health management – even though EVERYONE has a role to play.

    The reporting structures are detailed below:

    General Safety Instructions

  • Students must abide by the Safety Policy, Regulations and Procedures at Singapore Polytechnic
  • Food must not be brought into laboratories
  • Clothing worn in laboratories must be appropriate, eg, no trailing scarves etc.
  • Students should behave while in the laboratories, eg, no horse playing
  • Students should not undertake any experiment without proper guidance and instruction from academic or technical staff
  • In-house rules and regulations must be observed
  • Standards safety signs must be obeyed.
  • Emergency Procedures

    In the event of emergency, assistance may be summoned

  • For Ambulance call 995
  • For SCDF call 995
  • For Police call 999
  • For all emergencies and incident reporting call SP Emergency hotline 6772-1234.
  • When making an emergency call, it is essential to give precise information as follows:

  • Name of caller
  • Location (block and room number)
  • Nature of emergency e.g. fire, explosion, violent or abusive behaviour, etc.
  • First Aid & AED

  • For minor first aid assistance, please contact your school’s general office.
  • For serious injury, please call 6772-1234 for campus first aider to assist you and 995 for ambulance service.
  • For injury that happens outside office hours, please call 6772-1234 for assistance.
  • The names and contact numbers of First Aiders are posted on First aid Boxes and the School Notice Boards within the laboratory or workshop in all schools and departmental office
  • For use of AEDs, please see locations of nearest unit which are posted on all lifts’ lobbies and other strategic location within the campus.
  • Emergency Maintenance Service

    In an emergency affecting water, light, power, air conditioning, lift and fire alarm services, Call 6772-1411.

    Fire Discovery

    If you discover a fire:

  • Call SCDF : 995
  • Call Guard House : 6772-1234
  • Activate the alarm at the nearest fire alarm call point
  • Alert people that there is a fire alarm activation or actual fire within the building
  • Try to extinguish the fire but only if it is safe to do so
  • Rescue any person in immediate danger to safety as long as it is safe to do so
  • Close doors to confine fire
  • Leave the building quickly and calmly by the nearest available exit, and go to your designated Assembly Area
  • Do not use the lift
  • Do not re-enter building until you are told that is safe to do so
  • Incident/Accident Reporting

  • Report all work related injuries, no matter how minor, promptly to technical support staff or supervising staff.
  • Contact the school’s general office or call 67721234 when treatment to injury is required.
  • Do not leave injury unattended or without treatment.
  • Risk Assessments

  • Students must be aware of all potential hazards and risks associated with any activities that are conducted in the laboratories, studios or workshops.
  • Students must observe all safe work practices and procedures for all activities and events organised within and outside campus.
  • Report to your immediate supervisor or lecturer or technical support staff any unsafe conditions, unsafe practices or incidents and near misses that you are aware of.
  • Report immediately to the immediate supervisor all conditions that could result in serious injury so that corrective action can be taken without delay.
  • Safety Equipment and Tools

  • Always ensure that all required safety equipment and tools are available before you start work.
  • Make sure that all safety equipment or tools issued are in good condition and fit for use.
  • If you discover any defects, do not use it and inform your immediate supervisor or the technical support staff.
  • It is an offence to interfere with any equipment and tools intended for either your own safety, or the safety of others.
  • Hazardous and Flammable Substances

  • Students must understand the risks involved in handling hazardous materials in the laboratories.
  • Students must wear the appropriate personal protective equipment such as safety glasses, face shields, overalls, aprons, gloves or equivalent when working in labs where chemical, biohazard or radiation work are being carried out.
  • Students must be trained in the use of all required personal protective equipment.
  • Chemical containers should be properly labelled and covered when not in use to prevent evaporation and accumulation of harmful vapours in the storage area.
  • Flammable liquids should be stored in a fire-retardant cabinet which has a proper warning label.
  • Waste chemicals must be properly disposed in designated bins.
  • Practise good personal hygiene. Wash hands before eating or drinking.
  • Work at Heights

  • Use of any ladders is restricted to no more than 2 metres in height.
  • Maintain three points of contact with the ladder at all times.
  • Do not work on the top rung of the ladder.
  • Use a working platform instead of ladder when the height exceeds 2 metres.
  • Visual inspections on ladders should be conducted before each use to ensure that they are safe for use.
  • Contractors

  • Many contractors on campus are undertaking building or renovation or maintenance works under the responsibility of the Estates and Development Department (ED). If you observe any unsafe practices or unsafe working conditions with contractors please contact ED at 6772-1411.
  • Students must observe at all times any warning signs and barriers put up by contractors and must not try to walk through contractors’ sites without seeking prior permission.
  • Working after Office Hours

  • Only authorised entry after office hours is allowed.
  • If your work involves an activity that could represent a significant risk to you or others, please inform your supervisor.
  • Students are to ensure that all light are switch OFF and the door locked before they leave the studio, laboratory or workshop.
  • Be familiar with the Guardhouse Emergency Contact Number & Emergency Evacuation Route displayed in the laboratory.
  • Roads and Traffic

  • The roads running through the Polytechnic campus are considered to be part of the public highway and as such are subject to enforcement under the Road Traffic Act.
  • All road markings and traffic signs must be observed with priority being given to pedestrians using the marked crossing points throughout the campus.
  • Parking is allowed only in designated car parks.
  • Cars that are found to be illegally parked will be wheel clamped and/or issued with a penalty notice.
  • Computers

  • Prolonged and continuous use of computing equipment may lead to impaired visions or repetitive strain injury.
  • IAll students are advised to take a 10 minute break after using a computer for a maximum period of 120 minutes.
  • Smoking

  • In accordance with the laws, smoking is not permitted in any building or official vehicle, or within the campus of Singapore Polytechnic.
  • All areas in SP buildings are non-smoking.
  • Smoking is also prohibited along bus stops and cover walkways outside campus.
  • Disability

  • Students with special needs can pursue their intellectual and personal development with appropriate support.
  • If you have special needs, please inform the student service center.
  • Safety Behaviour and Health Message

  • Students should always ask “Is it safe?” and have the safety mind-set wherever they are
  • Students must ensure their own safety at work and also ensure no action or inaction by them causes harm to any other person.
  • PStudents can help identify and report hazards around the workplace to school/department representatives; participate and support WSH related activities that has been organised to increase awareness.
  • Don’t leave safety to chance. Take responsibility for your own safety, and the safety of others.
  • We are ALL responsible for Safety and Health at Work.
  • If you have any safety and health queries that have not been included in this hand book please contact SP WSH Committee.