Module Information

EP1001 Further Digital Fabrication and Prototyping

Course Schedule:

Week Date Topic Remarks
01 19/10/20 Introduction, Review of Digital Fabrication Skills
02 26/10/20 Electronics Production
03 02/11/20 Electronics Design
04 09/11/20 Embedded Programming Deepavali 14 Nov
05 16/11/20 2D Computer Controlled Machining
06 23/11/20 2D Routing (hands-on)
07 30/11/20 3D Machining, Molding & Casting
08 07/12/20 Molding & Casting (hands-on) MST Week
09 14/12/20 Mid-term break
10 21/12/20 Mid-term break Christmas 25 Dec
11 28/12/20 Mid-term break New Year’s Day 1 Jan
12 04/01/21 Interface & Applications Programming
13 11/01/21 Interface & Applications Programming
14 18/01/21 Interface & Applications Programming
15 25/01/21 Introduction to IoT
16 01/02/21 Module Project
17 08/02/21 Module Project Chinese New Year 12 & 13 Feb
18 15/02/21 Presentation

Public Holidays

**Due to the Covid-19 situation, the course schedule may be adjusted as necessary.